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Superior: Giant Timbers Log Set (24")

THE MEGA-FLAME Series boasts a triple burner to achieve the look of a real wood fire! The burner is cantilevered to produce tall flames that will not be dwarfed by its massive 19″ high logs, the tallest in the industry. The MEGA-FLAME Series features two burners of bright yellow flames, plus a lower burner that creates a glowing ember bed. All models are heater rated with 99% heat efficiency and include a wood-burning grate appearance.
•Available in 24″, 30″, and 36″ sizes
•Tall dancing yellow flames and ember bed for wood fire realism
•Highly detailed concrete logs with the wood grain texture and color of real wood logs
•Millivolt control model is remote ready for optional remote and wall controls
•Variable control model includes ProFlame remote control
•Electronic control model includes EcoFlow •Touchscreen remote control

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