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RH Peterson: Golden Oak Designer See- Vent Free -Thru Logs - Vent Free - 24inches

The traditional beauty of Golden Oak Designer logs add to the elegant burn of the G9 Vent-Free Burner System. Dancing flames and an ember bed, featuring an innovative reflective panel, offer comforting heat and fireside charm.

The G9 Series is available for Natural or Propane gas in 20”, 24”, and 30” sets, with BTU ratings from 21,000 to 36,000. Lava granules, embers, and Bryte Coals are included with the unit. See-thru sets are also available in 24” size with BTU rating of 31,000.

•Superior refractory ceramics ensure the logs retain their strength at high temperatures
•Burns efficiently while protecting natural resources and reducing pollution
•High definition bark and natural colors for an authentic wood look
•Steel rods inserted in each log provides maximum reinforcement
•Radiant heat while in operation and after set has been turned off
•Accessories available to enhance the look of your hearth

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